Case Study 1
IoT based smart lock using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) – CP Systems (Japan)
Client Requirements:
The client started a new business venture with an extreme security BLE locking system that allows the users to lock their luggage with an initial payment for a minimum hour and should be able to lock and keep their luggage for required hours with additional payment based on the usage hours. Locking and Unlocking processes are authorized based on the internal security process between the locking device and the user’s mobile phone. The main requirement of the client was an iOS and Android app for wireless operation of the locking system. The app will be the communication medium between the firmware and the cloud server.
Solutions we provided:
- Embedded Solution: Using microchip PIC18f24k22 we build a lock system which can communicate to some BLE devices.
- Bluetooth communication solution: Using Microchip RN4678 BLE Device, we implement communication between the Firmware and the App.
- Internet: Using IOT Technology, the mobile app will communicate with the cloud server.
- Security Solution: Implementation of high security for the customers by developing a
MD5 Hash Algorithm. - End-user Application Solution: Developed an end-user application for controlling the wireless communication with the locking device using the Bluetooth technology and to communicate with the cloud server.
Smart Locking System Using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Technologies used:
- Bluetooth Low Energy Technology
- IoT
- QR code Technology
- MD5 Algorithm Technology
System Architecture
Case Study 2
IoT/Embedded based on Conditional/Asset tracking monitoring system – Japan
Client Requirements:
- Clients need to test the devices as per the new firmware upgrade.
- Need to develop a new conditional monitoring system with new hardware.
- Cloud data storage and User portal creation.
Solutions we provided:
Embedded Solution
Nordic nrf52xx CORTEX M4 series microcontroller used for conditional monitoring solution. Temperature, humidity and accelerometer sensors are connected to the controller chip. Using BLE 5.0 it can send the data through a mesh network. The whole mesh network data is handled by a gateway, which is connected to the internet via ethernet/wifi.
End-User Application solution
The gateway sends the user data to the cloud. The end-user can monitor the visualized physical sensed data from the web portal. AWS and Things cloud used for data storage.
Technologies used:
- Internet of Things – IoT
- BLE mesh technology
- Ethernet/MQTT